Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Facebook thoughts.

I think Facebook is a lot of fun. Mostly because I enjoy seeing how ridiculous some people are and what they share with their virtual social world. For example, this is one of my favorite posts right now:

"Dec. 25 is for Jesus not for Santa. (Repost if You Believe in Jesus !) P.S He Knows You Looked ♥ -deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father"

Really? I don't think Jesus cares if I repost that or not. And I don't need to let people know that I believe in him through my Facebook.

Every once in a while I will put up my own Facebook status. And believe me, whenever I do it is a hit. Notifications left and right. For instance, a few weeks ago I wrote something really simple. "Sometimes I buy cookie dough just so I can eat it." The result? 34 likes. And 17 comments. In a matter of days. And the majority of people who liked/commented were girls. What does that say for them? That they do the same thing? That's not attractive. And tonight I put "Did I really just eat a whole box of fruit snacks in a few hours? Yes. Yes, I did." The result so far? In 20 minutes there have been 8 likes and 2 comments. All girls. Really? Please don't tell me you really do that. Besides, by "few hours" I meant about 48. Or 2 days. That's basically normal, considering it's finals week. Apparently people can't get enough of my eating habits.


Brittany said...

Oh Michael . . .

Amy Lovell said...

It's a girls way of flirting with you, via facebook, holla!

Emily Nelson said...
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Emily Nelson said...
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Scott & Christie said...

I just wanted to say that I like cookie dough. Don't judge me.